
I have a long-standing interest in laterality, especially the issue of the lateral cradling bias - the tendency (broadly independent of handedness) for humans to cradle infants left of the midline. In the mid-1990s I extended that work to the phenomenon of embracing, and later to cradling in the deaf community. More recently, I published a paper with Ross Roberts on lateral biases in golf putting.

Lucas, M.D., Turnbull, O.H. & Kaplan-Solms, K.L. (1993). Laterality of cradling in relation to perception and expression of facial affect. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 154 (3): 347-352. (download)

Turnbull, O.H., Stein, L. & Lucas, M.L. (1995). Lateral preferences in adult embracing: A test of the 'hemispheric asymmetry' theory of infant cradling. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 156 (1): 17-21. (download)

Turnbull, O.H. & Lucas, M.L. (1996). Is the leftward cradling preference related to lateral asymmetries in attention? Journal of Genetic Psychology, 157: 161-167. (download)

Turnbull, O.H., Rhys-Jones, S. & Jackson, L. (2001). The leftward cradling bias and prosody: An investigation of cradling preferences in the deaf community. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 162: 178-186. (download)

Roberts, R. & Turnbull, O.H. (2010). Putts that get missed on the right: Investigating lateralised attentional biases and the nature of putting errors in golf. Journal of Sports Sciences, 28(4): 369-374. (download)